Making money online?
So I was just wondering lately, since I've been following lot of personal blogs with online money making topics. How helpful they really are? How credible is information published there? Are their's money making tips and guides precise and extensive enough? I could name some of the most popular blogs out there, like John Chow's, ShoeMoney's, Earners Blog and so on... I've been following these blogs, and I can't really say I learned a lot from them. There are more internet sources out there more valuable than those blogs. In fact most of them are just handing out half valuable informations and facts, to create that addictive teasing effect. Most of them are there to stick your eyes to their webpage even you aren't one of the lucky ones who have decent online income. Online money making is of course possible and very real, but it requires lot of effort and learning. It is not as easy as reading out someone's four, five or six figure income on someone's blog and than thinking you could do the same. It is not the way things work, unfortunately. So don't be fooled, put your thinking hats on and decide if you have enough time, energy and brains to pull that off. You can't find complete definitive guide online for money making, just random pieces of informations which can be put together with a lot of work.
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